
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sunshine Award!

Hello Friends!  I have some exciting news!  Hilda at From Overwhelmed to Organized was so sweet to give me the Sunshine award last week!  This is my vey first award, and it really is a great privilege to have her supporting my blog!  I am truly thankful for her kindness! 
The Sunshine Award is given from bloggers to bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.  I'm touched that you feel I inspire others through my blog, Hila!  Thank you very much for this award!
So here's how the award works:
First, you should thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.  Next, answer the following questions about yourself.  Then, choose 10 of your favorite bloggers and link their blogs to your post.  Be sure to let them know that you are nominating them for the award.  Last, be sure to copy and paste the award to your blog!
Here are my answers to the questions:

1. Favorite color - Pink!  I have loved the color pink my whole life (and now my daughter loves the color too)!  I even had an all pink 5th birthday party where everyone who came was required to wear pink.  I think I only own maybe one pink shirt today, but I still love the color anyway haha! 
2.  Favorite animal - Horses! I use to ride when I was younger and my mother owns horses today.  

3. Favorite number -  16!  That was the age I was most excited to reach so that I could drive a car. 
4.  Favorite drink - Sweet Tea!  I did not even try sweet tea until I was in college, but once I had it, I loved it!
5.  Facebook or Twitter - Facebook!  I haven’t tried Twitter yet. 
6.  Good book or good movie - Good movie!  I will not watch horror films, but love romantic comedies! 
7.  My passion - My family!  I am a wife and a mother of three and I love my family more than anything!

8. Giving or getting gifts - Giving!  I love giving little gifts to my kids, family and friends.  
9.  Favorite day - Saturday’s! We always try to do something fun together as a family on Saturday’s.    
10.  Favorite flower - Hydrangeas!  They are just so pretty!  
So there are some things you probably didn't know about me.  These awards are a neat way to share things about ourselves that wouldn't necessarily come up in our posts or "about me" pages.  
Here are the 10 blogs that I would like to give the Sunshine Award to (in no particular order):
I find inspiring things on each of these blogs!  Please check out their wonderful blogs and see all the great things they have shared. 
Congrats to all of you.  You deserve it!
Thanks again to Hilda for awarding me the Sunshine Award!  


  1. You're welcome Teresa! You deserve it :) I love a lot of those blogs you awarded it to as well!

  2. Thank you, Hilda! :) I agree, they are great blogs!

  3. aw!! i am beyond excited!!! actually am giddy to the highest level!!

    my first award in my blogging world :)

    thank you so much teresa!

    smart momma

  4. Thank you, Teresa, for the kind award! I didn't start blogging with the intention of earning awards or being recognized in any way. So this is a great honor. Thank you for it!

  5. Jenny,

    You are very welcome! I enjoy reading your blog! Me either, so I was honored as well for receiving this award! I just started blogging and I am having a blast with it! This blog is just for fun! =)


  6. hi teresa, I am also awarding you the "Sunshine Award"! you deserve it!

    also, if you want to know me more about me, you can read that post here:

    huggies ***
    smart momma

  7. Wow! Thank you very much for the award! I seriously didn't think anyone noticed my posts, it's just a way for me to get thoughts out of my head...so I appreciate the honor!!! Super big hugs and have a fabulous day!!!

    Heather Rolin

  8. You're very welcome! I love reading your blog!


  9. Thank you so much! I just love your ideas and am so pleased you read my blog. Thanks!!
