
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

For the Love of Command Hooks!

Every once in awhile, I plan to post about ways you can organize in 5 minutes or less.  This is my first "Got 5 Minutes" post! 

Most of us don't have hours a day to spend organizing, and let's face it, most of us would rather spend our time doing a million other things even if we did have the time!  We are all busy people.   Some days it is hard to find time, but I can however, always find at least 5 minutes a day to organize.  My theory is to do a little everyday (even if it is only 5 minutes) and eventually over time, I can see a huge difference!  Just think, if you only organize for 5 minutes a day, in a months time, you will have organized for 2 hours and 30 minutes!  A lot of organizing can be done in 2 hours and 30 minutes, my friends!

What I spent 5 minutes of time doing today, provided me with a whole drawer of empty space that I was able to better utilize! 

Do you see that cabinet to the left of my stove?

All by using just two clear Command Hooks that I purchased from Target...

I was able to gain an empty drawer! 

I just attached the two command hooks to the inside of the cabinet door and voila, I now have an empty drawer!

So, what did I put in the empty drawer?  Dishtowels!  My dishtowels had been living in the pantry because I had no room for them in the kitchen.  They are now in a much more convenient location in that same drawer (which is right by my kitchen sink)! 

It's amazing what you can accomplish in 5 minutes, isn't it? 

There you have it!  A smart and simple way to organize a space in 5 minutes! 

Would love to hear from you?  How have you organized a space in 5 minutes that made a big difference? 

I linked up to these parties! 


  1. What a great idea! Love the series idea too. I've been thinking of doing a similar thing. Great minds must think alike. You beat me to it though :)

  2. I love your ideas, stopping by to say hi and thank you for following me! Following you back, have a great week and stay cool!

  3. I love the idea of hanging that stuff inside a door. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Love Command Hooks. Love your kitchen even more!

    Trying hard not to covet,

  5. hi teresa!

    check out my post: http://smart-momma.blogspot.com/2012/08/quick-fix-pot-holder-mitts.html

    thank you for the inspiration!!

    huggies ***
    smart momma

  6. I love hooks too. I have a hook inside my under the sink door where I hang a binding clip...which I use to clip and hang latex gloves for heavy duty scrubbing.
