
Friday, April 24, 2020

Just a few random thoughts I have on this fine day in April 2020...

Just a few random thoughts I have on this fine day in April 2020...

At first I enjoyed being home and having a clear calendar. Nothing to do. Nowhere to be. It is still great...except when it gets old. 

I have no idea what day it is. Don't even ask me.  

Several of my social media friends seem to be experts on how everyone else should be handling social distancing and protecting themselves and their families during this pandemic. People are losing their minds worried about what other people are doing or not doing. 

I have a hard time watching the news without having heart palpitations. 

Every time I cough, I think it’s the Rona.

I no longer wear makeup or do my hair. I only wear pjs, workout clothes and swimsuits. 

Going to the grocery store gives me anxiety. Most people look stressed out. The majority of people are wearing masks and gloves. You can’t find toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, Lysol, bleach or Romen noddles on the shelves. I haven’t had any problems finding wine though...

To de-stress I typically get my nails done, get a massage or facial, play tennis or walk the trail by our house. All these places are now closed. Oddly enough though, liquor stores are all still open. 

I miss going to church. I miss my bible study group. I miss my tennis team. I miss going out to eat. I miss going to the movies. 

My roots are showing. I found my first gray hair. I only have a few false lashes left, my nails are a mess and I have been giving myself home facials. 

I gave my husband a home haircut. The kids won’t let me touch their hair. 

I have watched more TV over the last month than I have over the last 20 years combined. Ditto for consumption of wine. Ditto for taking my temperature. Ditto for watching the sunset. 

I  literally do the same thing everyday. I feel like I am a character in the movie Groundhog Day. 

I have been washing an average of 12 pool towels a day. 

My house should be spotless with how much I have been cleaning. Sadly, you would never know it because there are always people in my house making a mess. That never leave. Like ever. 

I have decided that I would never in a million years homeschool my children after experiencing distance learning. 

I have been praying for teachers daily. 

We have made s'mores every night.

Watching Tiger King made me feel a little better about my own life. 

I hold my breath when I pass people at the grocery store. 

My dog hasn’t gotten on my nerves...thank God for dogs. 

I miss shopping for things other than groceries. 

I feel a bit bipolar. One day I’m loving this low key life. Taking long walks, s’mores by the fire, boat rides, relaxing in our hot tub, family bike rides and cleaning out closets. The next day I’m stressed and annoyed, wiping down our groceries, taking my temperature every hour while binge watching Tiger King. 

Zoom calls. All. Day. Long. 

I accidentally sneezed the other day when passing someone on the sidewalk and got an evil look instead of the typical “bless you.”

As soon as I think about not touching my face, I get an itch on my face. 

I hope my children look back on this time later in life as a fond childhood memory.

Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset by Luke Bryan is my quarantine theme song.

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