
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kid's Homework Zone! Part: 2

Hi friends!  In a previous post I told you how I wanted to create a Homework Zone for my oldest who is starting kindergarten this year.  You can read about it here!

I found these caddies at the Dollar Tree last week and thought they would be perfect for holding all of my son's homework supplies!  I love that they are lightweight and have handles, so that my children will be able to easily carry their own caddy themselves.  I bought three for each one of my children.  Even though my son is the only one starting school, I will probably have the other two color and create something while he is doing his homework.  Plus, we all know how children are, if one has something, they all want one too haha.  

I plan to add their names to each caddy so there is no mistaking who's is who! 

I gathered some supplies I thought he would need to complete his homework. 

Then, I placed the supplies in the caddy! 

Easy, Peasy! 

I also wanted a place where I could store important papers, schedules, etc. This is the hallway coming in from my garage.  I took three plain, Jane bulletin boards and covered them with Burlap using a staple gun.  I used decorative thumb tacks around the edge to dress them up  a little.  I have had these bulletin boards up for awhile now, but I wanted to add something for the new school year...
One thing I would love to add are some wooden letters above each bulletin board that read: B1, B2 and B3 (all three of my children have "B" names)!  
I found this hanging file at Staples from the new Martha Stewart line and thought it would be prefect for what I had in mind! I had a 40% off coupon, so I snagged it at a great price!  I plan to buy two more for the other two bulletin boards! 
One file pocket will most likely be used for important information, and the other will be used for items that need to get done! 
I  used the two tacts it came with to hang the file.  There is also adhesive on the back of the file that it can be hung with, but I decided to go with the tacts so that the file can easily be moveable!  

This little tin bucket is for storing all of the tacts.  

I use to have hooks underneath each of the bulletin boards-one for each child to hang their backpacks, but two of the hooks came out of the wall overtime from too much weight (from children trying to pull down their backpacks).  So, now I have the kids backpacks hanging on an old antique hat/umbrella rack (in the same hallway) that I recently inherited from my grandmother (much more sturdy than hooks in drywall).  I have found it really helpful to have a place to hang their backpacks when they come running in the door from preschool with boatloads of stuff in hand.  

There you have it!  Smart and Simple ways to create a Homework Zone!  

Would love to hear from you!  What are some ideas and suggestions you have on how to create a good Homework Zone?

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