
Friday, June 15, 2012

Organized Medicine Cabinet!

Nothing worse than having a headache and you have to search for the Tylenol.  This is one of my favorite organized areas in my home.  I really like the clear containers so that I can take a quick glance and see where the item is I am looking for.  

Our Medicine Cabinet 

To Create this in your home:

1st: Categorize your medicine.
2nd: Toss out any medicine that has expired.
3rd: Label your containers accordingly.
4th: Put your medicine in the containers and place them on a shelf (up high if you have children in the home).

About twice a year, I take inventory of what we have and don't have, and I toss out anything that has expired.

There you have it, a smart and simple way to organize your medicine cabinet!  

Would love to hear from you!  Any tips on how you organize your family's medicine cabinet?


  1. Ohhhhh Lady, I need you to come organize my house! I pulled out a bottle of 3 year old Tylenol yesterday ;)


  2. Haha! I am trying to get more organized! I almost think its essential when you have kids...or life gets chaotic...FAST!

  3. Where did you find the cute plastic containers? The ones I purchased aren't tall enough but those look perfect.

  4. I bought them from Publix! I have also seen them at Target recently!


  5. You neatly organized your medicine in a cabinet. Good thing that you know how to do it, so when you need one it will be easy for you to look for it. Medicine cabinet is a good place to keep your medicine organized and safe.

  6. Looks super cute! I'm so bad I almost never throw out expired meds, not good! I just followed you on Google Friend Connect. I did the Linens and the Loo challenge too and I'd love if you could pop over to my blog and follow me too :)

